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Musician Stuff
Index to the material below:
The Rusted-Guitars Mailing List
The Rusted-Guitars list is an email
discussion list that spun off of Rust years ago, to provide a place for
Rusties to discuss guitar (and other instrument) playing of Neil Young
music. Discussion topics include acoustic and electric guitars, amp
setups, tunings, strings, and of course, licks, riffs, chords and
tabulature covering the entire breadth of Neil's work from the 60's to
the present, including both released recordings and unreleased
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pick a PASSWORD yourself. For the other
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case below, replace the word PASSWORD with
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- subscribe PASSWORD
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See you on Rusted Guitars!
Recommended songbooks
- Neil Young Complete Music Volume I [1966-1969]
- Neil Young Complete Music Volume II [1969-1973]
- Neil Young Complete Music Volume III [1974-1979]
- The Guitar Styles of NEIL YOUNG
. . . catalog number# GF0201
. . . $12.95 (in USA)
. . . Warner Bros. Publications
. . . 15800 N.W. 48th Ave.
. . . Miami, FL 33014
- Other Warner Brothers Publications
There are also individual books for single albums.
The more popular ones are readily available in music stores.
Find them all right here on HyperRust!
Chords and Tabulature
Find most of them right here on HyperRust!
All of the Chords and Tabulature archived here have been "validated" by folks
on Rusted-Guitars.
Also, from the former Red Sun website, a PDF has been
lovingly assembled which contains chords and/or tabs
to almost all of Neil's presently known songs. Many
are similar or identical to ones here on HyperRust,
but there are some variations on some songs, and a
large number of additional tunes not yet on HyperRust.
Here is a link to the PDF document. The Neil Young PDF Songbook
Many many thanks to Fredrik Johansson for this
excellent document.
(note: Between Hyperrust and Red Sun, almost every tab is covered.)
And here
is an extremely comprehensive "chord-finder".
Neil's Alternate Tunings
Neil plays some of his songs in non-standard tunings.
Here's the list, as compiled
by the folks on Rusted-Guitars.
Tips For Guitar Players
Tips For Harmonica Players
Here are a few tips from an old web page that disappeared off the web,
with some subsequent additions. Hopefully I'll be able to get more detail
up here later for you Harp folks.
Playing Neil Young on the Harmonica
Below is a partial list of Neil Young’s songs for the harmonica, organized by key.
Occasionally the same song is listed more than once. This indicates that Rusties
have had success playing the song different ways. Also see the note below the table
about how to figure out Harp keys for songs not listed...
A Harp
Out on the Weekend
Mother Earth *
Bb Harp
My My, Hey Hey
Ambulence Blues *
C Harp
After the Gold Rush *
Helpless (Last Waltz version)
Hey Hey, My My
Like a Hurricane
Long Walk Home
Love is a Rose
Mellow My Mind
Motion Pictures
Out of Control *
Sixty To Zero
Throw Your Hatred Down
D Harp
After the Gold Rush
Albuquerque *
Daddy Went Walkin' *
Distant Camera *
Helpless (CSNY version)
Silver And Gold *
Star of Bethlehem
F Harp
Ambulance Blues
Rockin’ in the Free World
G Harp
Buffalo Springfield Again
Comes a Time
Days That Used to Be (acoustic)
From Hank to Hendrix
Harvest Moon
Good To See You
Heart of Gold
Homegrown *
I am a Child
Like a Hurricane
Mr. Soul
Natural Beauty
Old Laughing Lady
Razor Love
Slowpoke *
Southern Pacific * (on Guitjo)
Unknown Legend
World on a String
The key for these songs came from Neil's own setlists from the Evening With
Neil Young (1999) tour.
Determining Harp Key
Chuck Singer contributes this tip:
For those still struggling on the Harp to is your key (pun
intended): You can use your major harp for that major chord OR relative
minor. The chart is below. All you have to do is know the key you are
in... The key is also known as the tonic or (generally) last chord you play
on a song that "resolves".
Major = Relative minor
- A maj = F#m/Gbm
- B maj = G#m/Abm
- C maj = Am
- D maj = Bm
- E maj = C#m/Dbm
- F maj = Dm
- G maj = Em
You're on your own for sharps and flat Maj keys... But just follow the
The sixth note in a Do Ray Me Fa So LA Ti Do scale (LA) is the relative
Tips For Piano Players
Here's an interesting chord
(Off-HyperRust site.)
(Any submissions
for this section welcome....)
MIDI Files
Here are a few (off-HyperRust)
sites with some of Neil's songs translated into MIDI...
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