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The It's All One Song! Lyrics
Notice! All lyrics contributions to this site have been created by ear by fans of Neil Young, by listening to various recordings of his works. To the best of our knowledge, no copyrights have been violated in the compiling of this material.
This is purely a labor of love, by fans, for fans.
It is made available here for personal use only.

The It's All One Song! Chords/Tabs
Notice! With only a few exceptions (clearly noted at the top of any particular song's chord/tab page) all contributions to this site have been created by ear by fans of Neil Young, by listening to various recordings of his work, or by watching him on video, and figuring out how to play what they hear or see. To the best of our knowledge, no copyrights have been violated in the compiling of this material. Any perceived copyright problem with any individual song should be pointed out to Malc or to RE*AC*TOR. We will look into the situation right away.
This is purely a labor of love, by musicians, for musicians.
It is made available here for personal use only.

It's All One Song! Purchasing
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