(Rumors, Sightings, Eavesdroppings)
The newest report comes first. Scrolling down takes you backward through time... Note that much of this report is drawn from the Rust List, so some of it may not make a lot of sense when taken out of that context. Subscribe to the Rust List to get ALL of the info...
In the Westword magazine "Best of Denver" issue, Neil won in two categories:
Last month we invited all Rusties in SoCal to join us for a night of Neil music at the Hermosa Steak-Out Pub. The Pub management enjoyed hosting us, and booked a return engagement before the evening was out. So, it's that time again!
Please join us at the HSO Pub on Saturday April 14th. We'll be opening up the mic again so if you'd like to perform some Neil tunes, please visit our website and choose a few of Neil's songs that are NOT on our songlist page. There's only 37 of 'em listed there so there's still plenty to choose from. Email me your choices so that we can plan out the evening.
You'll find more info about the gig on our website. Hope to see you there!
---- Gary ----
Heart Of Gold Band
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:01:39 -0800
From: kara mcguinness <mcguinness5899@yahoo.com>
Subject: Berlin DVD
I've got a new Berlin DVD (just out today) in my hand! Here's the track listing on the case:
Note that Like A Hurricane is NOT listed on the cover! But when I open up the package, it's listed as Hurricane (between Sample And Hold and Hey Hey My My) on the fold-out.
Rhino is usually pretty good with their packaging, but
with two big typos on the cover, they're slipping...
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:17:40 -0500 (EST)
From: WNTRWND@webtv.net (KEVIN OTOOLE)
Subject: Neil in Port Charles
NEIL YOUNG was featured on ABC-TV today at 12:30pm, on the popular soap
PORT CHARLES. Writers for the show aired the full song Heart
of Gold, as character Dr. Karen Wexler interacted with a home built
computer. Well done, network Rusties!
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 07:44:56 -0800
Subject: Meters Down By The River
New Orleans stalwarts The Meters have had an album of old unused
(on their other albums) songs that they recorded in the mid 70s released.
It's called Kickback, and features a 9-minute cover of
Down By The River. Also has several other covers, such as
Love The One You're With, Honky Tonk Woman, and Come Together.
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:11:24 -0800
From: AndrewByrom@aol.com
Subject: On the tube -- gotta be true?
According to Ceefax on Channel 4 in the UK; "there will be NO new album released in support of the European Tour".
Or will Neil change his mind?
Andrew Byrom
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 19:28:38 +0000
From: Mr P K Hayes <pyunn@csv.warwick.ac.uk>
Subject: Embracing Neil
Embrace is a minor British Indie band who've had a few chart hits. I found this on NME.com:
EMBRACE are trying to track down NEIL YOUNG to play harmonica on their forthcoming third album.The band are currently in the studio with Coldplay producer Ken Nelson. Throughout the last few months they have worked on various new tracks, with titles including It's Going To Take Time, If You've Never Been In Love With Anything and more recently Make It Last and Hey, What You Trying To Say -- which vocalist Danny McNamara revealed will feature a three-part vocal harmony.
Speaking about Hey, What You Trying To Say via the official Embrace website, McNamara said the song "has a kind of Neil Young Harvest feeling to it". He continued: "It would be excellent if we could get him to play harmonica on it. I'm sure he's too busy but I think I might try and ask him."
He added: "Anyone have any idea how I might track him down? I'd prefer to ask him in person rather than go through the usual channels." McNamara lists an e-mail address at which he can be contacted, but warns fans not to "send me any attachments or spam mail, neither my computer nor my brain can handle it".
Yesterday I emailed Motor Music about that German music store listing for an upcoming Neil Young album called Mystery Train. Their response:
Dear Keith,=====
Sorry, but Neil Young is not a Motor Music act.
Kind regards
The Minus 5 is a band that includes Peter Buck of REM,
Ken Stringfellow of the Posies, Scott McCaughey of Young
Fresh Fellows, and Dennis Diken of the Smithereens.
On March 12 at the Mercury Lounge and March 13 at the Lakeside Lounge
(both in NYC), their set included Don't Be Denied. They also
did Ohio at the Mercury show.
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 15:47:23 -0800
From: Steve <Rustiescot@LineOne.net>
Subject: Neil feature on BBC series
Just read the introducion article on a new 8 week series on BBC TV in their magazine Radio Times. The new series is called Walk on by : the story of popular song. Neil is actually featured in the article, along with a photo. Maybe the writer, Stuart Maconie has been lurking on Rust? :o)
They're featuring Neil at some point in the series. Here's a transcript of the Neil article.
HEART OF GOLDSo there it is rusted UK ones. First programme is tomorrow (Saturday the 17th, on BBC2 at 8.15pm). Remember to set the video for that Top Of The Pops appearance in episode 6.
Written by Neil Young
Versions by Neil Young, Willie Nelson
Featured in Programme sixFate played a part in creating Harvest, Neil Young's fourth solo album, and Heart of Gold, the winsome ballad from it that made the top ten here and the number one in the US. In the autumn of 1970, Young had injured his back while lifting a piece of polished walnut, and standing up to play his electric guitar became nigh impossible. Because of this - and the fact that he'd dropped Crazy Horse (his regular backing band) - he prepared an album of acoustic songs.
Once in the studio he found his simple arrangements weren't enough. A pedal steel guitarist was drafted in to flesh out the sound. That sound, and guests such as James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt, resulted in an LP that's one of the finest examples of seventies rock introspection.
Heart of Gold is typical -- the lyric is enigmatic -- all that "I've been a miner for a heart of gold." But the music speaks for itself: plaintive, weird and delivered in Young's reedy high tenor. That voice, that haircut, those jeans; for the teens who saw him on Top of the Pops, belting out Heart of Gold, it was a never to be forgotten sight.
Let's hope it's not Neil's only UK appearance this year...
KEEP ON ROCKIN... Steve <--- ---<<
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 04:01:59 -0800
From: uptight@talk21.com
Subject: Unusual cover
Stayed up late last night listening to the radio and heard a most extraodinary cover of Down By The River on the excellent John Peel show.
It's a collaboration between Low (who I know very little of) and The Dirty Three (who I know nothing of). Four minutes of gut wrenching slowburn before the percussion sneaks up to an almost rhythmic level. During this time the song is virtually unrecognisable. You may begin to wonder if it's the same song. A brief guitar lick leads into verse, chorus, angelic vocal and a blissful ending which could almost be described as post-coital-esque (is that a word?). Did I mention they take it at half the speed of the original? Chosen adjective: 'Lovely'.
believe in the power of ROCK
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 00:19:25 +0900
From: Hiro Nishiyama <hhiirroo@tkb.att.ne.jp>
Subject: Please come to Japan
Please join our signature campaign for a NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE JAPAN TOUR 2001!
Hiro Nishiyama
one of Ordinary People
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:41:18 +0100
From: Sebastian <sebastianb@gmx.at>
Subject: What the heck?
Just surfed through German version of Amazon.com. Found a strange listing for an upcoming release of a record called Mystery Train listed as being by Neil Young, due to be released on March 26th. They show it as being on the Motor (Family entertainment) label, who's website doesn't say anything about it. No idea what it's about.
Long may you run,
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 21:30:58 -0600
From: Ben Langford <rblangfo@loyno.edu>
Subject: Almost Famous on DVD
Yesterday I bought the DVD of the Cameron Crowe film Almost Famous Excellent flick... Highly recommended to those who haven't seen it. It's well know that there are two Neil Young songs featured in the film -- Everbody Knows This Is Nowhere, and a solo acoustic performance of Cortez The Killer.
Bonus material on the DVD version also features a complete text
interview that Crowe conducted with Neil around 1975. There are
also interviews of Allmann Brothers, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac,
Peter Frampton, Van Morrison, and Joni Mitchell... Pretty cool stuff.
Ben Langford
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 15:40:44 -0800
From: HarryO <harryo@bigstepdown.com>
Subject: Roids
I recently was given (a sheer act of kindness) a copy of a Fred Eaglesmith show with much amusing banter. At one point in the set Fred relates the following:
You wonder about what people holler out at concerts, is it just mindless talk or what? I was at a show one time and the show goes quiet and all of a sudden this voice goes:Gotta love Fred Eaglesmith!!!"HEMMORHOIDS FOR NEIL YOUNG!"(laughter)
Whenever I'm at a concert that's what I holler out now... HEMMORHOIDS FOR NEIL YOUNG!
HarryO - Victory for the Heart
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 12:45:46 -0800
From: Heath Keane <neilpyoung@hotmail.com>
Subject: Neil's musical mind
In this past Monday's Globe and Mail (Canada's National newspaper) there is an article by a Mr. Daniel Levitin. Among other artists, he interviewed Neil for experiments on the human mind relating to music. Neil was quoted as saying:
"There are thousands of guys as gifted as me, or more talented, but nobody knows about them because they don't have record deals."Some good behind the scenes stuff about Paul Simon and Joni Mitchell and K.D Lang, too. A good read.
Floppin on the summer sand!
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 10:39:42 -0800
Subject: Canyon covers Neil
A Washington
Post article says that the band Canyon covered Neil's
Cortez The Killer for their encore at a show at the Metro
Cafe on Sunday...
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 18:06:21 -0800
From: Bob Betts <bobeck70@hotmail.com>
Subject: Neil sets the mood again
Fox News just used Neil's Driveby as background music for a story on school shootings, as they reviewed how the Columbine case compared to the Santana shooting. It is good to hear Neil but it is really a shame that the media keeps giving those little bastards that bring guns to school to kill fellow students all this endless publicity. Peace and music to all.
asleep on your lawn. . . . .
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 07:55:54 -0800
From: Eswain93@cs.com
Subject: Amfibian Hippie Dream
Amfibian, the band led by Tom Marshall (who writes the lyrics for Phish), recorded last night's show at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ for an upcoming live album. They closed the second set with their cover of Neil's Hippie Dream. (I had been screaming for it all night...) They did great justice to the song, especially on the guitar solos.
So maybe we'll see it on the official release...
Erik Swain
Be on my side, I'll be on your side
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 21:45:41 -0800
From: Dave <dr_bod@ntlworld.com>
Subject: Q likes Neil stuff
Just picked up this month's Q magazine, and Red Rocks Live is one of two videos/DVD's that they're calling the "best of the last three months":
"The glorious Colorado venue, a timely rainstorm and the presence of Young's wife Pegi and sister Astrid on backing vocals make for an atmospheric live show, as Young crashes through his back catalogue."There's also a review of the Pixies b-sides album. Within it, it says:
"[Charles Thompson's] Kim Deal-assisted treatment of Neil Young's Winterlong is quite beautiful...."Dave.....with my carbine on.....
This week's edition of Sports Illustrated (3/12/01) has an article on backetball legend Bill Walton and his sons, who play college ball now. In the penultimate paragraph, Bill explains why he loves the game:
"... Basketball is always fresh. Every possession is different, just like every song by Jerry Garcia or Bob Dylan or Neil Young is different. It's about people and emotions and timeless stories...."Not Above Suspicion
At last! After 10 years the Pixies have finally released a (nearly) complete compilation of their long out of print B-sides. It includes two Neil covers: I've Been Waiting For You and Winterlong. Both are good. IMHO, Winterlong surpasses the original. Yes, that good.
The rest of the package is a mixed bag with a few gems and a fair amount of, erm... interesting... material. The packaging is shoddy, tho' -- but for mid-price, acceptable.
believe in the power of ROCK
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 18:24:26 -0800
From: Andy Strote <strote@interlog.com>
Subject: Rustie photo in Neil review
For any of you "alt.country" (a.k.a. "y'allternative") fans, check out the new No Depression magazine, and head right for page 12 where you'll find a review of Neil's Jan 10 show at the Warfield.
By now we all know he did a raging show with The Horse. But hey, these guys need a photo, and if they can't get one with The Horse, why not one of Neil strumming his acoustic? And better yet, why not that famous shot that our own Chuck King snapped on that sunny day? Yes indeed, why not? See for yourself. And read the review..... Smokin'!
Cutlass Supreme
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2001 15:56:57 -0800
From: Dave Green <punkdavid40@hotmail.com>
Subject: Neil in strange "Top Songs" list
In a "Top Whatever recordings of American Music blah blah" list done by the RIAA, Neil places two songs:
The list was compiled from "about 200" ballots filled out by musicians, critics, industry professionals, elected officials and amateur music fans, RIAA spokeswoman Amy Weiss said. Voters chose from a list of 1,100 songs selected for popularity and historical significance.--PunkDavid
VH1 is going to have a 100 Greatest Videos show, based on votes at their website. Neil's This Note's For You video is nominated in the "Controversial Video" category. Imagine that, Neil being controversial...
Neil's also in the "Most Comedic" category. Go vote.
On the Carousel
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 10:02:38 -0800
Subject: Gonna do some Hank
Apparently Neil has signed on to do a track on the Hank Williams Sr tribute CD coming out late this year (probably December). It'll be released following publication a new biography of Hank in October.
The CD will include lots of major artists, including Beck's version of Lonesome Whistle (like he played at last year's Bridge Benefit), a duet by Emmylou Harris & Mark Knopfler, another by Lucinda Williams & Ryan Adams, Bob Dylan doing I Can't Get You Off Of My Mind, Sheryl Crow, Hank III, and more.
I don't what song Neil is likely to do. But I'll bet he plays
his guitar "Hank"...
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 09:09:20 -0800
Subject: Spin's Beth likes Neil
Beth Wawerna, who writes the news column for Spin magazine, says within her report on the Juno awards:
"...In news that delights us to no end, Neil Young won for Best Male Artist, cause he is."Succinct.
On The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, a story about Seattle's recent earthquake was entitled The Needle and the Damage Done. (If you're not familiar with Seattle, they have a big tower they call The Needle...) The story is also currently on their webpage.
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 08:28:57 -0800
From: Francesco Lucarelli <lucarelli.f@flashnet.it>
Subject: CSNY book delayed
Dear Friends,
We regret to inform you at this time, the publication of our book
project: "Crosby, Stills, Nash and sometimes Young" is being delayed.
This is due to a change in management at Kempen Publishers. The
agency is redirecting their focus and does not want to pursue the
completion of this project.
We want to have a publisher that believes in our project and are therefore seeking other avenues. We are not sure how long this will take, but be assured that we will NOT abandon this project that has been in the works for the past 10 years. We will use this extra time to our advantage. This is an opportunity to further our research and bring the project to the highest level.
We are now trying to contact everyone who sent payment in advance. Refunds will be given and no credit cards will be charged. If you have any further questions, please contact Lucien via email.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. We will make an announcement when we have a new publisher, along with ordering information.
Good things are worth waiting for....
Kindest regards,
Lucien, Francesco, Herman, and Stefano
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 07:43:53 -0800
Subject: Vote for Ohio
The "TLC" cable channel has a poll for "best protest song" on their web site, as part of something they're calling "Music With A Message". They divide the poll into "60s & 70s" and "80s & 90s". On the 60s/70s list, Neil's Ohio is included among the 13 nominees. They talk a little about the song, too.
your vote...
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2001 07:00:00 -0500
Subject: A Juno for Neil
See the
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 16:35:57 -0800
From: Rust makes the Times!
Subject: Jamie A. Kyllo <jakyllo@smig.net>
In the New York Times, March 4, 2001 issue...
Crossword Puzzle, titled "Binary Code"
126 Across, 4 letter word.
Clue: "Color closest to copper brown"
Answer: (You figure it out...)
Jamie A. Kyllo
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 19:39:00 -0800
From: Heath Keane <neilpyoung@hotmail.com>
Subject: A lot of Neil in you
Just finished watching Dennis Miller Live on cable, and his guest was Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters. The subject was the state of the music industry. It was pretty funny to listen to, coming from Dennis.
Right at the end of the interview Dennis says to Dave "You must have a lot of Neil Young in you. If you do, that's class... and I think you're cool, man!" (or words to that effect).
Floppin on the summer sand!
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 21:16:27 -0800
From: dguay@nycap.rr.com
Subject: Long May Ed Run
Did anybody else see the TV show tonight called "Ed"?? Towards the end of the show, Ed is going to run up a mountain, trying to beat the time that he did when he was a teenager. When he gets out of his car to start his run up the mountain, Long May You Run started playing... They played the complete first verse before fading out. It was really neat, and seemed to fit the show perfectly...
David aka Wonderin Man!!!
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 06:37:21 -0800
From: brian quinn <cbquinn@mediaone.net>
Subject: Neil across the NHL?
Had the pleasure to see the Vancouver Canucks play in Vancouver, a couple of week ago. Alas, they lost in OT to the Caps. However during one of the breaks in the action, Rockin' In The Free World was played over the PA.
Last night saw the Bruins in Boston and again RITFW was played during a break.
Wonder if Neil is played in all NHL rinks ?
Brian in Boston
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 06:03:04 -0800
From: Dean Cherchiglia <dcherchiglia@yahoo.com>
Subject: Trey Goes Downtown in Cleveland
Trey Anastasios (of Phish) opened the second set of his 2/26/01 show at the State Theater in Cleveland with C'mon Baby Let's Go Downtown.
An incredible concert.
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:43:31 EST
From: Whattakiller@aol.com
Subject: 3 hours of BS
I just heard that this Saturday, WFUV 90.7 will be broadcasting a 35th anniversary spotlight on Buffalo Springfield from 5:00 to 8:00. WFUV is a public radio station with NO COMMERCIALS.
However if you play all the officially released stuff by BS it probably amounts to less than 2 hours - wonder what the 3rd hour will be? They'll probably play some solo Neil and CSN stuff too, but who knows? Maybe they'll play something cool and rare...
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 14:24:30 -0800
From: Andre Terhorst <aterh@casema.net>
Subject: Roger on Neil-literacy
In the latest issue of the Dutch magazine Aloha there's an interview with Roger Waters in which he briefly mentions Neil Young. Talking about the emptyness of the "MTV generation", his Rogness says:
"We're raising a generation that can't take the effort to watch a good documentairy or good drama. Let alone will they listen to the latest songs from Neil Young or Tom Waits. That's pretty frighting".Hmm, not listening to Neil is ....... frightning ???
"Red White & Blue"
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 09:56:15 -0500
From: Stephen Edwin Coulter <secoulte@hotmail.com>
Subject: Tower Of Song
In Canada last night the CBC aired the two-hour retrospective on members of Canada's Juno Hall of Fame that will soon be released on DVD.
The documentary not only included Canadian rock pioneers Steppenwolf, The Guess Who and The Band, but also included standouts from other genres -- such as Glenn Gould, Oscar Peterson, Maynard Ferguson, Anne Murray, Ian & Sylvia, and Gordon Lightfoot, just to name a few.
The Neil segment closed out the show, and featured shots of his boyhood home of Omemee, Ontario, and what I believe is an interview with him at Alex's (now The Mountain House) in Woodside, California, from back in the Harvest Moon days. The segment was about 5 minutes in length and was overdubbed with his piano-supported Unplugged reading of Helpless.
Neil was inducted into the Juno Hall of Fame in 1982. This show was a very interesting synopsis of Canadian music of the past century.
Eat a peach,
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 05:16:01 -0800
From: Jim Higgins <OperaStar@rocketmail.com>
Subject: Ain't singing for...
There was an article in the Boston Globe on Sunday about artists who play shows for corporations. Some of these gigs earn a person up to $1,000,000 for one night's work. People like Dylan, Billy Joel, Elton John and many others have done it.
They also gave a short list of artists who refuse to do that kind of work. Our guy Neil headed the list, along with the likes of Pearl Jam and Phish.
"I don't sing for nobody - makes me look like a joke."
Take care everyone.
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 12:05:35 -0800
From: ZumaFan@email.msn.com
Subject: Freedom Sings
A while back it was announced that a cover of Neil's Ohio would be included on a benefit album called Freedom Sings. Since then I bought the CD.
It's great show featuring songs that have, over the years, been banned (or tried to be banned) by various people, groups, legislators, what have you. Some of the performers are John Kay (Steppenwolf), Don Henry, Tammy Rogers, Chip "Wild Thing" Taylor of the Troggs, and Steve Earle. For a "donation" of 3 bucks it can be yours.
The album is still available on the Freedom Sings website.
my old corvette
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 11:07:55 -0800
From: swatt@fuse.net
Subject: Ass Ponys covered Neil
On AssPonys.org
there is a 1995 cover of Neil's Star of Bethlehem among the
currently available MP3 downloads. Check it out if you're interested.
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 07:30:03 -0800
Subject: S&G big on Amazon
While looking around on Amazon.com, I see that Neil's Silver & Gold album was the #23 top seller there last year -- even ahead of RHCP's Californication and other big sellers. Of course this probably is more a reflection of the customer base at Amazon that overall sales appeal, but it is one of the few places where Neil's sales ranked so high last year...
Also, the Amazon "editors" (whatever that means) picked the album as
their #15 album of last year.
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 07:17:02 -0800
Subject: Neil across the arctic...
A guy from Norway has begun to cross-country SKI from Russia, across the North Pole, to Canada! He trained by skiing while dragging car tires behind him, and carrying 175 pounds of junk in a back-pack...
For entertainment on the long trek, the music he's carrying will include Hendrix, ZZTop and Neil Young.
(More details here.)
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 12:53:47 -0800
From: Ian Rosen <shmucking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Frusciante's Trans ?
review of the new John Frusciante (guitarist for the Red Hot
Chili Peppers) album To Record Only Water for Ten Days
on Wall Of Sound. They claim the album is "almost an update"
of Neil's Trans !
Left For Dead
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:41:48 -0500
From: BillyTalbotBand Webmaster <BillyTalbotBand@CrazyHorseWeb.com>
Subject: Billy Talbot Band Newsflash
Greetings from the Billy Talbot Band...
Just wanted to let you know that a full song MP3 of the Billy Talbot Band song Stress Release is now available on the web site. Enjoy!
Also, currently running on Six-String.com is an up-to-date interview with Billy. It covers everything from Billy's pre-Crazy Horse days, to his work with the Billy Talbot Band, to hints about the future. Check it out.
Thank you for your interest in the band,
BillyTalbotBand Webmaster