(Rumors, Sightings, Eavesdroppings)
The newest report comes first. Scrolling down takes you backward through time... Note that much of this report is drawn from the Rust List, so some of it may not make a lot of sense when taken out of that context. Subscribe to the Rust List to get ALL of the info...
A Toronto folk singer from the late sixties named Elyse Weinberg has just had her debut album reissued on CD by the Athens, Georgia indie label called Orange Twin. The album, simply called Elyse, has a bonus track on it called Houses, which apparently features Neil Young on guitar.
The place I work at up here in Canada, Sonic Unyon, distributes this label in Canada. I checked out a copy of the album to see if it was Neil playing. It sounds pretty legit to me. And the rest of the record is pretty nice late sixties psychedelic pop, too.
The liner notes inside the record say Elyse now lives in Ashland, Oregon and that this record was pretty successful when it was released. I found a few LP copies listed for sale online today that were originally issued by Tetragrammatron Records (that's probably spelled wrong). If I am not mistaken, that label was owned by Bill Cosby, and also issued the first few Deep Purple records in the US.
Canuck Sean
Sean Palmerston
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 20:27:20 +0100
From: Alan Proudfoot <alan@pfoot.demon.co.uk>
Subject: BS Box already on sale
SPIN CDs of Newcastle in England are already advertising the
Buffalo Springfield Boxed
Set. You can pre-order it for £37.99.
Date: Wed, 09 May 2001 08:05:19 -0500
From: SteveDittman@hotmail.com
Subject: Crash and Burns
I was reading an article comparing the state of the stock market and the state of sideburns. The author was making the point that times of large sideburns (e.g., the early 50's, the 1970's, 1987 and current times) have corresponded with drops in the U.S. stock market.
The following paragraph especially caught my attention:
Those bearish on burns are also easy to find, even during stock-market surges. "You can go overboard with them," insists Peter Rubin, assistant editor of GQ, who points to singer Neil Young's "enormous, unwieldy, monolithic mutton chops" as an example of sideburn excess.Think we can get Neil to shave those things off for the good of the economy?
A Man from Mars
Date: Sun, 06 May 2001 11:08:11 -0400
Subject: Mix Mag's Neil features
As pointed out by J McElwee, there are three lengthy Neil-related articles are found on Mix Magazine's website.
"But, the worse the conditions, the more determined Neil was to do a good show. Looking at him on the stage, with his hair blown back and a look of defiance on his face, standing in the rain, with lightning in the background was something else. He looked like some sort of Norse god.”RE*AC*TOR
First I want to announce that the Missing 6 Raffle now does indeed include ALL SIX of the Missing 6! A very big THANK YOU to Jeff Sewick who has donated a copy of On The Beach to the pot. So now the collection is complete -- all of the Missing 6 LPs, plus a bonus LP (Harvest).
This is a reminder that the money for your chances must be to me by May 15. Better mail them quickly to get them here in time. Check my previous notices for more details.
tom (my old corvette) therme
1638 langenberg ave
iowa city, iowa 52240
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 19:16:49 +0200
From: Jean-Marc.Meganck@cec.eu.int
Subject: Neil is the axe
I read in the last issue of the French magazine Les Inrockuptibles the following (very freely translated in my broken English):
"Why is Neil Young still there, still strong and relevant, while others have become caricatures of themselves? Maybe because he never wanted to close the door to his own pain. And because he managed to preserve rock music's essential role: fighting against life's dullness or, as Kafka said, being the axe that breaks up the frozen sea we have within us".Strong stuff, IMHO...
poisoned with protection
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 11:16:50 EDT
From: Whattakiller@aol.com
Subject: Neil, Ed and the Archives
I thought I would mention a story that a friend of mine related to me. She's a journalist and knows Eddie Vedder, and during one conversation Neil came up. She says that Eddie & Neil were hanging out and were talking about a particular song. Neil decided to find the tape, so he showed Ed into his archives barn. Needless to say, Ed was impressed.
The archives were meticulously organized, so in no time at all, Neil found the tape, and pulled it out. He handed it to Ed, and Ed briefly thought Neil was giving him the tape. But no, Neil said "here it is," then took it back, put in on the shelf, and escorted Ed out of the barn.
Eddie was primarily impressed by 2 things: the sheer wealth of material
that was in there, and how well it had been maintained & organized. My
friend insists that Neil's archives were the inspiration for Pearl
Jam's recent barrage of live albums. She says Eddie told her that.
I'm not altogether certain I believe her, just wanted to mention the
story. Take from it what you will,
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 11:06:25 -0400
From: WhippleW@MWHSE.com
Subject: B.S.Box Tracklist Revealed
Rhino has a press release for the upcoming Buffalo Springfield (Boxed Set) on their site.
The track listing is also there.
Good stuff on the way (finally)...
HyperRust Editor's Notes:
- 13 of the 24 tracks on the first CD are previously unreleased, and of those, 5 are Neil songs.
- 15 of the 21 tracks on the second CD are previously unreleased, of those 3 are Neil songs, one is Neil/Stephen, and one is a full band effort ("Buffalo Stomp Raga").
- 9 of the 20 tracks on the third CD are previously unreleased, of those 7 are Neil songs.
- Nothing new on the fourth CD -- it's a "remastered" set of the Buffalo Springfield and Buffalo Springfield Again album songs.
- That's 15 "previously unreleased" tracks by Neil in the set, plus 2 more with him involved...
- Note that there're some repeats (different versions) of some of the "unreleased" songs, and some are alternate takes of released songs (e.g., Mr.Soul).
- The first 3 CDs are in chronological order.
- Interesting that the early solo demos by Neil (eg, Rent Is Always Due) are included!
On French TV channel MCM, the Neil Young & Crazy Horse show in Rio will be broadcast on Sunday, 20 May at 00:30!!! : )
Let your magnéto roll on......;
Ray"hectiqueGirl" m00n
Date: Sun, 29-Apr-2001 20:49:49 GMT
From: J.A.Gray@bham.ac.uk
Subject: Homer Simpson on Neil
In the new Mojo Collections magazine there is a fun article where celebs namecheck their fave records. In this issue, 'Homer Simpson' (presumably via Matt Groening) is the man. One of his is Skynyrd's Sweet Home Alabama, about which 'Homer' says (and I quote):
"As a response to Neil Young's Southern Man, this track is just about the best 'dis' song of all time. I heard that Neil was so hurt by Skynyrd telling him that they 'don't need him around' that it made him turn all weird and preachy."How cool is it to have Homer making a passing reference to Neil's 'ditch years'? LOL!!
Jules Upon the Sea
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 17:10:45 +0200
From: Jean-Paul.Pelicant@santesurf.com
Subject: Radiohead cover Neil
Yesterday evening Radiohead gave a concert in Paris, carried
on the French TV Canal Plus. For their encore, they played
Cinnamon Girl !
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:44:09 +0300
From: Heikki.Kyllastinen@kolumbus.fi
Subject: Bon Jovi put out some Neil
Today in my local newspaper Karjalainen (in Joensuu,east-Finland) there was a small story that in May 2001 Bon Jovi´s new live cd will be released...... They mentioned that it will have a Neil Young cover: Rockin' In The Free World. Good reason to buy the Bon Jovi live cd !!!
Take care
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 20:26:08 -0700
From: Rick Savoy <rjsavoy@attglobal.net>
Subject: Prez on the Missing 6
I was listening to talk radio KGO (in San Francisco) yesterday, to the Ronn Owens Show. The president of Reprise Records (I forget his name) was on with Ronn. Someone called up to ask him when Neil Young will release the Missing 6 on CD!
He responded something like "Every time I see Neil, I get down on my knees and beg him to release those albums on CD." He then said Neil is a perfectionist and wants them to be perfect. Eventually they will be released, he said.
Hey, who was that Rustie who called in?
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 09:07:57 -0400
From: Mike Ross <mross@wvlottery.com>
Subject: Neil's Indigo influence
On the Music Choice cable service, the show Lifetracks features Amy Ray of the Indigo Girls. She talks a lot about Neil's influence on their music.
Even though I only caught part of the show last night, I heard two Neil cuts (Sugar Mountain and Cinnamon Girl) plus an Indigos version of Rockin' In Free World.
Mike Ross
Hillbilly Band
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:42:04 EDT
From: ABBAABBADO@aol.com
Subject: Neil on Millionaire
Neil was part of a question on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire last night. The question was "Who won the Oscar for the song from the movie Wonder Boys?" Neil was one of the 4 possible answers. But the girl got it right -- Bob Dylan.
The excellent Walk on By series that has been showing in the UK for the last few weeks finally featured Neil last night (Saturday). This episode concentrated on the move into the singer songwriter era, and was called "After the Goldrush".
Good stuff shown from The Band, Grateful Dead, America, the Byrds, but most importantly Neil Young, CSN, CSNY and Joni Mitchell. Most of the Neil solo stuff was from the BBC 1972 Broadcast. Best of all for me was a short clip of CSNY playing Helpless from the 1974 tour.
Steve Doble
(Lying in a burned out basement)
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 13:41:06 -0700
From: robert garriott <rgarriot@pacbell.net>
Subject: Cragg on Neil
There is a cool Larry Cragg interview ("The Guitar Doctor is In") in a little local advertising newspaper called Marin People (4/16/01 issue). Here are excerpts from the Neil content...
Since the early 1970's, Cragg has been Neil Young's guitar technician and main man, traveling with him on tour, working with him in the studio, keeping his instruments tuned and ready at all times. "I'm the guy who makes sure everything is running right, that everything is happening," he says."I'm sort of the old utility guy. Whatever Neil needs, I can play. From just being his guitar repairman, I've ended up being a part of his family, so to speak, and getting to play with him as a member of the band."
Cragg has recently returned from the huge Rock in Rio concert in Brazil with the latest resurrection of Neil Young and Crazy Horse, a regrouping of Young's old rough-and-tumble bar band. Since they've been back, he's been on guitar duty with them in a San Francisco studio while they record a new album.
"Neil's been writing songs ont he spot, " he says. "It's amazing to see. He's not the dinosaur that some older acts are. He's moved on. He doesn't play his old songs at all. He rocks. This guy is so full of energy it's just astonishing. He's a force to be reconed with. I think he's a real genius."
He has been on every tour with Young, including those with Crosby Stills and Nash, since 1976. A photography buff, he took the photograph of a full moon that graces the cover of Young's 1992 album Harvest Moon.
Cragg's voice softens as he recounts the night that Young recorded the grogeous title track in his Northern California ranch. "I was on the porch listening to them play the song that's on the record, seeing the moon, the wind's blowing gently and it's a beautiful night," he remembers. "I get chills thinking about it. It was a great moment."
There was a Neil reference in the most unusual place today...
This afternoon, Scottish TV had a tribute to the great Scottish soccer
star Jim Baxter, who died this week. Behind footage of the fans
celebrating the famous Wembley 1967 victory over England, they played
Heart of Gold. Two of my heroes -- I was delighted & choked.
All the best
Aurora Borealis
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:16:15 -0400
Subject: Discoveries
The current issue of
magazine has Buffalo Springfield on the cover. The issue
excerpts a chapter from John Einarson's recent book Desparados:
The Roots Of Country Rock. (I highly recommend the book!)
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 09:49:03 -0500
From: zumafan@email.msn.com
Subject: Raffle update!
Regarding the "Missing 6 raffle", here are a couple of updates...
tom (my old corvette)) therme
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 00:26:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Marius <stringman21@yahoo.com>
Subject: Read it for the article
In the April issue of Playboy magazine, there's a short article under the heading "Fender Benders" (begins on page 27, I think). It's about imaginary Fender guitar effects boxes. Here's one of them...
There is an excellent series on BBC2 at the moment called Walk On By. It's a history of popular songwriting. Next week's instalment features Neil, amongst others, and indeed it's called After The Goldrush. It'll be on BBC2 at 8 p.m. on Saturday 21st. There is going to be some CSN content too.
On the fade out of this week's show, they showed Neil in acoustic mode on the early 1970's BBC concert he did.
Cheers y'all
Brian frae Scotland
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 08:07:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Charlie Macon <planosol@yahoo.com>
Subject: Farm Aid Running...
Good Morning Rusties. I just read in the Austin American Statesman newspaper that Willie has set up the first "Willie Nelson 10K for Farm Aid" benefit race. It's scheduled for October 21 here in Austin. There's a concert following, to raise more money for Farm Aid.
Willie will be running and performing. They're expecting up to 15,000 to show, and I'll bet you'll see everyone from all ages and all walks of life -- from hard core runners to those who'll walk for a good cause. Y'all get them shoes laced up, it's only six months away!
Take care, Charlie
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 12:00:28 -0500
From: Sharon Roznik <callaway@thesurf.com>
Subject: Rust Paranoia
Did anyone see Thursday's comic section of the newspaper? Here's Mark Parisi's nationally syndicated cartoon Off the Mark:
Hi Rusties!
Well, as expected, it was another successful
RustFest here in LA with the Heart of Gold Band. They were
awesome last night, and there were a lot of Rusties who showed up to
sing and dance, and chat and eat and drink. Yee-Haw!
The band did so much material. New stuff for them like Revolution Blues and What Did Yo Do to My Life really made this an outstanding performance by these great musicians. Vicky sounded absolutely wonderful on Motorcycle Mama, her voice ringing out with clarity. The jam on Southern Man was especially groovy tonight, as was White Line.
I can't wait to see them Wednesday night at the Whiskey A-Go-Go on Sunset Strip, where they are making a four camera video. They want everyone to show up to help out with the video, so come on down! Hope to see you all at the Whiskey.
The DJ's Daughter
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:10:41 -0500
From: zumafan@email.msn.com
Subject: Missing 6 Raffle
A lot of people don't realize that when Alan Jenkins had to shut down the Neil Young Appreciation Society, the final issue of the Broken Arrow magazine ended up costing him over 1000 British Pounds out of his own pocket. I'd like to help him to recoup some of that expense. To do so, I'm setting up a Missing 6 raffle.
Well, actually I only have 5 of the Missing 6 (sorry, but On The Beach isn't one of them)-: But the other 5 are all in great shape -- very clean vinyl. Journey Through The Past is the original die-cut cover. Unfortunately though, Time Fades Away does not have the lyric insert.
Chances are $1 and you can buy as many chances as you wish. Winner takes all. I'll have my granddaughter draw the winner. DEADLINE FOR PURCHASES IS MAY FIRST. Any funds received after that will be returned.
Here's a chance for any of you Rusties who are a bit hesitant to otherwise contribute to Alan's expenses to be able to do so while getting a chance to own some nice vinyl. (Then you can then just throw away those lousy sounding pirated CDs of the albums. :-) Remember, ALL of the $$ will go to Alan to help cover his expenses of the final issue of Broken Arrow.
Feel free to ask around on Rust if you have any reluctance to send money to a stranger (that would be me.)
tom (my old corvette) therme
1638 langenberg ave
iowa city, iowa 52240
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:53:47 -0500
From: Dave Green <punkdavid40@hotmail.com>
Subject: Elliot inspires PJ manager
In a Dallas Observer interview with Pearl Jam's manager Kelly Curtis, he mentions Elliot Roberts as an influence:
"A long time ago, I learned from Elliot Roberts, Neil Young's manager, that you never take on the fight like it's your fight. Just blame it on the artist. That way, the label can't fight me. I'm like, 'I'm just the messenger.' In the end, the band created the machine. I just know how it works."--PunkDavid
The old "Bay Area Music" awards (known then as the "Bammies") evolved into the "California Music Awards". Neil's up for two of them this year:
The final day to vote is this Saturday (April 14)!
Vote here.
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2001 23:30:00 -0400
Subject: A sad day for Rusties...
See the
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 22:31:03 EDT
From: Bearlywood@aol.com
Subject: Young Stills does Young
Chris Stills did a couple of Neil songs at the Viper Room last week, while performing with a "Replacements tribute" combination that also included Thelonious Monster's Bob Forrest, as well as Ryan Adams and Counting Crows' Adam Duritz) that closed the show that evening.
The songs they did were Rockin' In The Free World and Ohio.
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 14:57:00 +0200
From: Thomas.Ryan@INGBank.com
Subject: Powderfinger Speaks
Checked out the band Powderfinger, last night in Amsterdam. Pretty good gig, but a bit on the slow side. Definitely lacked that explosive sound that I was expecting to hear. Still a good gig and the crowd were well up for it. They are worth checking out.
So after the gig I was just hanging out with a couple of Ozzy and US mates (one of which is from Brisbane and went to high school with two of the band) when the drummer (one of Stan's mates) comes out front and walks right up to us. So being the good Rustie that I am, I asked the obvious question: "You guys seem to be well into Neil, what do you think the song is about?"
The members of the band are all big time Neil fans, and cut their teeth playing Neil covers for years. He was pretty stoked when I told him that they got a mention on the Rust List.
Their take on Powderfinger is the old one that it is an anology on young boys being sent off to war before they even know what life is about and leaving "so much left undone".
There's calm in my eye
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 09:00:31 -0600
From: Chuck Thomas <thomasc@utk.edu>
Subject: Keep on going forever...
In a Salon.com review of the recent Brian Wilson tribute concert, Ira Robbins notes the fleeting nature of genius, and how most rock songwriters rarely contribute anything of merit after the first ten years of their career. He comments...
"In fact, it's probably better for most of the old-timers if they keep their creativity under a basket. (Not Bob Dylan and Neil Young, however -- they can keep going forever as far as I'm concerned.)"Just Pissin' in the wind ...
Slobberbone covered Big Time at the 400 Bar in Minneapolis on Saturday night. The last time they played, they covered Powderfinger. Check 'em out when they come to your town, you might like them.
Peace. -Ben Jammin'-
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 07:59:21 -0600
From: CAMMAIL22@mln.lib.ma.us
Subject: Out to the ballgame...
Downtown was played at Fenway Park at Saturday's game,
between the fourth and fifth inning.
Alan DerKazarian (Tell Me Why)
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 13:06:42 -0600
From: Andre Terhorst <aterh@wanadoo.nl>
Subject: RIP Wim van der Linden
The Dutch TV and film direcoctor Wim van der Linden passed away earlier this week. Wim was known for controversial TV shows for VPRO, such as 'Hoepla' (showing the first naked girl on Dutch television around 1967), 'Barend Servet Show', etc.
Rusties, however, will more likely know Wim for his documentary Swing With Neil Young, from 1971. It was a good 50min feature documenting Neil at his ranch, talking, playing and introducing the 'Old Man' whom the song was named after.
Wim van der Linden died at his home in Miami at the age of 60.
"Red White And Blue"
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 06:56:34 -0600
Subject: Mystery Train
The saga of the Mystery Train has
veered onto a new track: it's not an EP after all, it's a
full album. Here are a few more
The album is a compilation of various songs from Neil's Geffen albums of the 80s. It album contains exactly HALF of the Old Ways album and HALF of the Everybody's album (5 songs from each). Plus 3 songs from Trans and 1 from Life. Too bad they didn't leave off a few of the OW and ER songs and include some cuts from Landing On Water.
Like many of Neil's compilation albums, it's hard to figure out why the songs were selected. None of the ones here seem to be the "highlight" song from any of the source albums. No Wonderin' from Everybody's Rockin', no Are There Any More Real Cowboys from Old Ways for example. Though I guess some folks would consider Transformer Man to be the highlight of Trans.
Weird that FOUR of the five cuts selected from ER are cover songs. Only the song Everybody's Rockin' itself is a Neil song. I wonder what the logic was in those selections? Actually, I wonder how much Neil input there was at all into this album... If those cover songs were picked by him (maybe as a tribute to Jimmy Reed and the other original artists), it's curious that he didn't pick the one cover from Old Ways (The Wayward Wind) to be included as well.
Transformer Man is now on 4 seperate Neil albums (Trans, Lucky 13, Unplugged, and now MT). It joins such old stalwarts as Broken Arrow, Cortez, Cowgirl, DBTR, HHMM, and TNATDD, each of which has 4 appearances. But it's still behind such songs as The Loner, Southern Man, TTN and Ohio (all on 5 albums), Helpless (on 5 Neil albums plus The Last Waltz), I Am A Child (on 5 plus the Bridge comp), Cinnamon Girl and LAH (both on 6), and is far behind the most represented song in Neil's catalog: Mr. Soul (on 8 different albums!)
Right now the only two places I've seen the Mystery Train album are on German music store websites. They all list it at a bargain price (equivalent to less than US $10). I'm sure it will be showing up soon as an import item on the US music stores that feature imports.
The album is listed as being on the Motor label, but Motor
(a German subsidiary of Universal, who also owns Geffen
these days) doesn't mention the album at all on their web site. Nor
does any Universal web site that I could see.
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 13:53:39 -0600
From: Jukka Uotila <jukkammuotila@hotmail.com>
Subject: BS Box news
I just want to pass on that Rhino Records' upcoming releases page has some interesting information. It seems that "July" indeed will probably be the date (more precisely: July 3) for the Buffalo Springfield box set after all...
Rhino's sub-label Elektra Traditions designed and
released the excellent remastered deluxe edition of Love's
Forever Changes. Maybe they'll do the same kind
of treatment to Buffalo Springfield's catalogue. Great news!!
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 09:11:13 -0600
Subject: Mystery Train Mystery solved
In the continuing saga of the mysterious Mystery Train CD listed at the German Amazon.de store as a forthcoming Neil Young release, the date has now come and gone and indeed, the store does now have the CD listed!
It's an EP, with these five songs:
My Boy
Mystery Train
Bound For Glory
California Sunset
Little Thing Called Love
(Click the pic for a bigger picture.)
Note that all of those songs are from Neil's old Geffen albums
(Old Ways, Trans, Everybody's Rockin'). The label that's
releasing this (according to Amazon.de) is Motor, and they're
a Universal Music company. Universal also owns the old
Geffen record label. One more shot at some Neil profit by the
old Geffen folks...
. . . RE*AC*TOR
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 11:55:08 -0700
From: Cornell <Dangerbird@zonnet.nl>
Subject: Hopper's photos
I am just back from a day's visit to Amsterdam where I visited both the Rijksmuseum (famous for its Rembrandt Nightwatch) and the Stedelijk Museum. At the Stedelijk there is currently an exhibition of work by Dennis Hopper, ranging from movies to sculptures and from paintings to photos.
Among the great collection of black and white pictures of famous and less famous people (which I found beautiful) were great shots of John Wayne, Paul Newman, Bill Cosby, all taken in the sixties. How surprised I was to see also two great b/w photos of Buffalo Springfield and the Byrds. I don't think I had seen them before.
The Buffalo Springfield photo has all of the members on the slope of a hill, with Stills in front and the others one-by-one behind him down the hill. Neil is standing a bit lower than Stills, not behind him, but more to the side.
I was kinda hoping that the Museum-shop would sell postcards or posters of these photos, but unfortunately it didn't sell many items related to the exhibition other than the catalogue ( and it didn't include these two BS and Byrds photos) and about 7 or 8 postcards of b/w photos, most of which featured Andy Warhol as the subject.
Check out a few of the photos...
All-in-all, I must say that I was very much impressed with the quality of Dennis Hoppers' work, and with the exhibition itself. I recommend everyone who happens to be in Amsterdam in the coming 2 or 3 weeks to pay a visit to the Stedelijk...